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Measles Me This

By: Candace Brumfield. University of North Texas Health Science Center, School of Public Health, Master of Public Health Student

Historically, vaccines have dramatically decreased and nearly eliminated the cases of measles worldwide, but there is a recent trend in the choice not to vaccinate and an increase in measles cases in the United States. The continued occurrence of Measles outbreaks in the United States in recent years is a major public health concern, one that is being closely tracked by epidemiologists and is a focus for vaccination promotion efforts. The main concern with measles is the high transmission rate and the fact that it is transmitted easily through the air via spores that are breathed in. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that the vaccination rate needs to be 90 percent for community immunity against the disease. Vaccination is the only way to prevent Measles and receiving both doses is 97% effective. Vaccination is important because Measles is a virus, so it cannot be treated through antibiotics. All children should receive their first dose around 1 years old and the second dose around school-age.


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